Personal Information:
Name : Hassan Mahmoud Abed Al-Aziz Al-Zoubi

Place and Date of Birth : Irbid, 11-2-1970

Sex : Male Marital status : Married with four kids

Address : Irbid-Jordan Tel. (00962) 2 7272177, Mobile (00962)788624525 E-mail xasanidis@yahoo.com

 General secondary education certificate (Prince Hasan secondary school, Irbid, 1987)

 Bachelor of science in Mathematics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1994)

 Ph.D. in Mathematics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001) Title of thesis:

“Linear Geometry in Projective and Euclidean spaces”

Language Proficiency:
 Arabic (mother language)

 English (excellent)

 Greek (excellent)

 German (good)

Computer use:
 Microsoft Word for preparing and typing articles and papers

 Microsoft Excel for calculation and data processing

 Microsoft Power Point for preparation of presentations

 Wolfram Mathematica


Teaching Experience:
 Teaching during Ph.D. study, in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (The academic years 1995/96 and 1996/97):

1. Introduction to Geometry I, which is taught in the first semester of studies and includes the following content: Vector spaces, Affine Geometry, Projective Geometry.
2. Introduction to Geometry II, which is taught in the second semester of studies and includes the following content: Metric Geometry, Application in Metric Geometry, Quadric curves, Quadric surfaces.

 Teaching, as a part time, in Philadelphia University, (second semester 2002/2003)the following courses:

1. Linear Algebra

2. Calculus III.

 Teaching in Al Baha Al Ahliyya College of Science in Saudi Arabia, (second semester 2003/2004)the following courses:

1. Linear Algebra

2. Calculus II

3. Differential Equations.

 From 2004/2005 – … teaching in Al-Zaytoona University in Jordan.
Other courses (not listed above) I am qualified to teach:

1. Differential Geometry

2. Classic Differential Geometry

3. Euclidean Geometry

4. Partial Differential Equations

5. Number Theory

6. Abstract Algebra I, II

7. Calculus I- IV

8. Topology I, II

9. Numerical Analysis.
Attended conferences and seminars:
 4th International congress of Geometry, 26th May-1st June 1996, Thessaloniki.

 5th Panhellenic congress of Geometry, 31st May- 2nd June 2001, Thessaloniki.

 1st Arab Conference in Mathematics, October 2004, Amman.
The recent researches:

1. On surfaces of finite Chen type. 2003, Result. Math. 43: 181-190.

2. Surfaces of revolutions satisfying ∆IIIx =  x, Journal for Geometry and Graphics.

3. Preparing and evolving the Euclidean Geometry book for Al Qods almaftoha university in 2011.

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