Nader Al Zyood
About University
Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan (henceforth, Al-Zaytoonah) was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. Instruction began on September 6, 1993, and since then Al-Zaytoonah has witnessed ... Read more
Academic & Administrative Staff
There are 300 faculty members of various ranks distributed among the six faculties of the University, and 80 teaching and research assistants and lab technicians. In addition, there are 210 administrative employees and 260 workers.

Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan



د. نادر فهمي الزيود

بريد اجامعة االلكرتوين
00962 6 4291511 اجامعة هاتف
00962 6 4291432 الفاكس رقم
الكلية اآلداب
القسم العلوم الرتبوية
الرتبة األكادميية أستاذ مساعد
تاريخ احصول عليها 1992
الختصص االرشاد النفسي الرتبوي
االهتمامات البحثية يف جمال االرشاد االسري ، يف جمال الرتبية اخاصة, االرشاد الزواجي, االرشاد الفردي
درجة الدكتوراه اجامعة الدولة السنة
متشغان الغربية 1987 usa
اخربة – التعليم العايل 1992-1987، اجامعة التطبيقية 1988-1992
- جامعة قطر 2006-1998، جامعة الزيتونة 2006 حىت االن

Dr. Nader Fahmi AL-Zouyd

Phone 00962 6 4291511
Fax Number 00962 6 4291432
Faculty Faculty of Arts
Department Educational sciences Dep.
Academic Rank Assistant Professor
Year Rank 1992
Specialization In counseling psychology.
Family counseling
divers modification
special needs
PhD University Country year
Western Michigan Usa 1987
1- ministry of heir education 1987-1992
2. applied sciences university 1992-1998
3. Qatar university 1998-2006
4. al-zaytoonah University -2006
1. five box in counseling and speailned
2. five research paper
3. seven article published in scientific journal

Publication and
Published Book


Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information about my work.

Tel: +962-6-4291511
Fax: +962-6-4291432

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