Traffic Study of Tabarbour Intersection


Attempting to take the serious and disturbing delay problems at Tabarbour intersection into consideration, this project was thought to be a suggestion to decrease these problems.

All traffic problems would be solved by studying the intersection, using traffic volumes, signal timing, speed, and delay. Traffic analysis manually and computer packages like Synchro software was conducted. The intersection was analyzed by presenting the prevailing circumstances and its current level of service was shown using Synchro software package.

To achieve the project aim, the following objectives must be accomplished: to observe traffic flow condition for the vehicle, to measure the traffic delay of the intersection, to re-design signal timing and phasing for the traffic signal, to measure effectiveness of re-design on intersection level of service, and finally to compare between manual analysis and Synchro software analysis.

Feasible traffic solutions were proposed to improve its level of service and to decrease the time delay at this intersection. The effect of these feasible solutions on this intersection was studied and evaluated to select the best alternative design for detailed design.

The proposed design solutions should not impose any adverse environmental impacts to the existing traffic generators. In addition, all proposed solutions should minimize delay (less than 55 seconds) and thus air pollution.

The Final proposed design is a tunnel at Al Shaheed Street with a traffic light on the intersection. The main project constraints were achieved with LOS D and a delay less than 55 seconds.

• Design Constraints





All proposed solutions should minimize delay to less than 55 seconds.

No adverse impact to residential or commercial land use or society in terms of relocation loss of accessibility



Ethical and Safety


Manufacturability and Sustainability

Maximum level of service must be D or better.


Minimum level of service must be D or better.

• Standards
• Design Drawing(s)

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