Abdullah Hlayel
About University
Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan (henceforth, Al-Zaytoonah) was established in 1993 after receiving its license and general accreditation by Decision No. 848 on March 6, 1993. Instruction began on September 6, 1993, and since then Al-Zaytoonah has witnessed ... Read more
Academic & Administrative Staff
There are 300 faculty members of various ranks distributed among the six faculties of the University, and 80 teaching and research assistants and lab technicians. In addition, there are 210 administrative employees and 260 workers.

Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan


Employing Operations Research at Universities to Build Management Systems

Abstract— Operations research science (OR) deals with good success in developing and applying scientific methods for problem solving and decision-making. However, by using OR techniques, we can enhance the use of computer decision support systems to achieve optimal management for institutions. OR applies comprehensive analysis including all factors that affect on it and builds mathematical modeling to solve business or organizational problems. In addition, it improves decision-making and uses available resources efficiently. The adoption of OR by universities would definitely contributes to the development and enhancement of the performance of OR techniques. This paper provides an understanding of the structures, approaches and models of OR in problem solving and decision-making.

دور الجامعة في البناء والتطوير ومعالجة العنف


ان إتخاذ القرارات المثلى في العمليات الادارية المختلفة هو اساس بناء وتطوير المؤسسات، ويقترح البحث تطبيق علم بحوث العمليات القائم على استخدام منهج التحليل الشامل الذي يرتكز على الأساليب العلمية لاعداد نموذج علمي وعملي لنظام حاسوبي يحقق الادارة المثلى للمؤسسة متضمنا جميع العوامل المؤثرة فيها، ويعمل على تنسيق الجهود لتحقيق الاهداف والغايات المطلوبة باستخدام الموارد المتاحة بكفاءة وفاعلية. ويهدف البحث الى تصميم وتطبيق نظام حاسوبي معلوماتي للمؤسسة الجامعية من خلال الوقوف على أهم العوامل المؤثرة في دورة حياة الأسرة الجامعية لمعالجة ضاهرة العنف الجامعي وتحقيق الاستخدام الأمثل لجميع مكونات وموارد الجامعه وطاقات افرادها ومتابعتها وادارتها بشكل ديناميكي يتناسب مع اي متغيرات مستجدة بشكل متكامل وسريع ودقيق وفعال.

ا    جامعة مؤتة – مؤتمر التخطيط الاستراتيجي في التعليم العالي “جدلية الإطار وفاعلية المضمون”  نيسان/2014

A New Exact Pattern Matching Algorithm (WEMA)

Abstract: In pattern matching or recognition the match usually has to be exact. This study, introduce a new general approach algorithm, called the Weighted Exact Matching Algorithm (WEMA). The WEMA applied to match the exact pattern within a text depending on preparing the text in an index matrix weight with the locations of characters in alphabetical order to perform direct access matching. Whereby, WEMA check the possibility of the pattern existence before applying the matching process. The simulation result showed significant improvement in the exact string matching and therefore extreme competence in the real applications.


How to cite this article:

Abdallah A. Hlayel and Adnan A. Hnaif, 2014. A New Exact Pattern Matching Algorithm (WEMA). Journal of Applied Sciences, 14: 193-196.

DOI: 10.3923/jas.2014.193.196

URL: http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=jas.2014.193.196



Abstract: There is an increasing awareness among modern business, engineers, managers, and planners to design and operate their systems even to minimize cost, or to maximum profit (maximum efficiency/business benefits). Accordingly, significant work has been done on business (specially, on manufacturing system) operations for total demand and on the optimal allocation of resources available. Linear Assignment Problems (LAP) is one of the most important optimization problem solving methods (in Operation Research) support this problem. This paper proposes a new modifications on the Best Candidates Method (BCM) and compares the proposed method with other Linear Programming (LP) methods in solving Linear Assignment Problems (LAP). In general, there are many development approaches for LAP to reach the optimal solution through minimize or maximize the objective function. Each problem solving technique (method) has its own time complexity, and  solution optimality. Some methods can be used successfully when dealing with small scale problems, while they considered as an inefficient method when solving large scale problems. Performance of different LAP problem solving methods is presented because of their wide used in different area of optimization problems. We introduce our new modifications on BCM in solving LAP problems which has significant improvements in the number of combinations and searching strategy.


International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST). ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 5 No.05. p1137.  May 2013, URL: http://www.ijest.info/docs/IJEST13-05-05-101.pdf.



Problem statement: The optimization processes in mathematics, computer science and economics are solving effectively by choosing the best element from set of available alternatives elements. The most important and successful applications in the optimaization refers to transportation problem (TP), that is a special class of the linear programming (LP) in the operation research (OR). Approach: The main objective of transportation problem solution methods is to minimize the cost or the time of transportation. Most of the currently used methods for solving transportation problems are trying to reach the optimal solution, whereby, most of these methods are considerd complex and very expansive in term of the execution time. In this study we use the best candidate method (BCM), in which the key idea is to minimize the combinations of the solution by choosing the best candidates to reach the optimal solution. Results: Comparatively, applying the BCM in the proposed method obtains the best initial feasible solution to a transportation problem and performs faster than the existing methods with a minimal computation time and less complexity. The proposed methods is therefore an attractive alternative to traditional problem solution methods. Conclusion/Recommendations: The BCM can be used successfully to solve different business problems of distrbution products that is commonly referd to a transportation problems.

How to cite this article:

Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ), Vol.2, No.5, October 2012

URL:  http://airccse.org/journal/cseij/papers/2512cseij03.pdf

The Best Candidates Method for Solving Optimization Problems

Abstract: Problem statement: This study is about describing solution technique called Best Candidates Method (BCM) for solving optimization problems; the goal is to minimize the computation time to get the optimal solution. In this study I apply the BCM to the linear assignment problems (LAP) that is one of the optimization problems in the Operation Research (OR). Approach: The optimization problem solution methods operate in two ways. First, that find all available combinations in sequential or parallel solution manner then compare the results to get the optimal one, but its need a very large computation time either for a large scale problems. Second, is to try to reach directly the optimal solution using different methods, but all available methods not always reach the optimal solution and have a complex solution technique or have a long computation time. Results: The BCM elect the best candidates that give the lowest combinations to get the optimal solution. Conclusion/Recommendations: The BCM minimize the computation time and reduce the complexity where we can apply this method to different area of optimization problems.

How to cite this article:

Journal of Computer Science 8 (5): 711-715, 2012 ISSN 1549-3636 © 2012 Science Publications

URL:  http://www.thescipub.com/pdf/10.3844/jcssp.2012.711.715

An algorithm to improve the performance of string matching

Abstract: Approximate string matching algorithms are techniques used to find a pattern ‘P’ in a text ‘T’ partially or exactly. These techniques become very important in terms of performance and the accuracy of searching results. In this paper, we propose a general approach algorithm, called the Direct Matching Algorithm (DMA). The function of this algorithm is to perform direct access matching for the exact pattern or its similarities within a text depending on the location of a character in alphabetical order. We simulated the DMA in order to show its competence. The simulation result showed significant improvement in the exact string matching or similarity matching, and therefore extreme competence in the real applications.

How to cite this article:

Journal of Information Science 2014, Vol. 40(3) 357–362  The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0165551513519039 jis.sagepub.com

URL:  http://jis.sagepub.com/content/40/3/357


Abdallah A. Hlayel, PhD

Department of  Computer Information Science “CIS”,

 Faculty of Science and Information Technology,

Al-Zaytoonah University

P.O. Box 130

Amman 11733 – Jordan


Tel: (Work) 962-6-4291511, Ext.370, (Mobile) 0775529055  




Associate Professor, Dept. of  CS, faculty of Science and Information Technology,

Al-Zaytoonah Jordanian University.



PhD  in Engineering Science/Computer. National Academy of Science of Ukraine 1994.

Thesis: Automated data processing system for media theorization.


B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Engineering Science/Computer. Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering, Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers 1990.

                               Thesis:  Development of the special duty computational processor.



- Computer architecture, system design and management.

- Operation Research.




1.Al-Zaytoonah UniversitySept. 1997- 2003Sept. 2003- to date

Courses Taught

Department of Computer Science.Department of Computer Information System.


1-  System Analysis and Design.

2- Data Structure.

3- Algorithms.

4- Computer Networks.

5- Logic Design.

6- Operation Research.

7- Information Systems

8- Internet Technology.

9- Data Base1.

10- Advanced Data Base

11-   Oracle over versions(8i,9i and 10g)

12- Information Technology.

13- Electronic Commerce

14- Computer Skills.

15-  Programming Language PHP.

16-  Selective subject( Microsoft Desktop operating Systems,

LAN ,  Windows    NT    Installation    and   Administration ,

Win 2000 server).

2. Philadelphia University


             Sept. 1995 – Sept 1997


          Courses Taught



Department of  Computer Engineering\ Electrical Department. 


1- Computer Networks

2- Logic Circuits.

3- Advanced Logic Circuits.

4- Computer Control

5- Microcomputers and Microcontrollers.

6- Calculus .

7- Programming Language C.

8- Programming Language FORTRAN.



3. Head of  Al-Zaytoonah University Computer Center

Sept. 2000 – Sept. 2003

- Manage the installation of network and updating the software  of computer       labs for Al-Zaytoonah University.-Establishing a new Computer Center.

-Preparation  for LAN inside the university.

-Management  and development of updating software packages for

administrator departments  of the university.

-Instructor in different Courses (Hardware and Software)

for the employers and students.


4. Head of Neptune Computer Center

1996   -   1998

- Establishing the center and managing its activities.

5. Special Computer Systems

1995  -  1996

Computer Networks Consultant.-          Design  of LANs

-          Working under Network operating systems

  • Novel
  • Unix


6. The Kiev Automobile and Constructions Institute

Nov. 1990  -  Dec. 1991

Computer Science Research  in ” Automated data processing system “



OracleUniversity Certifications –  in

  • “introduction to Oracle SQL & PL/SQL”.
  • “Develop PL/SQL Program Units”.
  • ” Oracle Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications I”.
  • “Oracle Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications II”.
  • ” Oracle Reports Developer: Build Internet Reports” .

Al-Zaytoonah University Evaluation for Manage the installation of network and updating the software  of computer   labs.

        Author’s Certificate in “Computer hardware model for the matrix inversion” from  USSR.

Certificate in  “Automated data processing” from  Kiev Automobile and Constructions Institute.

Certificate in industrial implementation of research result .



  1. Abdallah  A. Hlayel. The Best Candidates  Method   For  Solving Optimization   Problems, journal of computer science 8(5):711-715,2012 ISSN 1549-3636.

DOI : 10.3844/jcssp.2012.711.715.

URL:  http://www.thescipub.com/pdf/10.3844/jcssp.2012.711.715


  1. Abdallah  A. Hlayel, Mohammad A. Alia. Solving Transportation Problems   Using The Best Candidates Method. Computer Science &Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ),Vol.2, No.5, ,October 2012. DOI : 10.5121/cseij.2012.2503.23.

URL:  http://airccse.org/journal/cseij/papers/2512cseij03.pdf


  1. Abdallah  A. Hlayel, Khulood Abu Mariaa. A New Modified Approach Using Best Candidates Method For Solving Linear Assignment Problems. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST). ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 5 No.05. p1137.  May 2013, URL: http://www.ijest.info/docs/IJEST13-05-05-101.pdf.


  1. Abdallah A. Hlayel, Adnan A. Hnaif. A New Exact Pattern Matching Algorithm (WEMA). Journal of Applied Sciences, 14: 193-196. DOI: 10.3923/jas.2014.193.196

URL: http://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=jas.2014.193.196


  1. Abdallah A. Hlayel, Adnan A. Hnaif. An algorithm to improve the performance of string matching. Journal of Information Science 2014, Vol. 40(3) 357–362 The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0165551513519039 jis.sagepub.com

URL:  http://jis.sagepub.com/content/40/3/357


  1. 1.      د. عبدالله احمد محمد هليل - دور الجامعة في البناء والتطوير ومعالجة العنف – مؤتمر التخطيط الاستراتيجي في التعليم العالي “جدلية الإطار وفاعلية المضمون”  نيسان/2014.  جامعة مؤتة





1-      Associate Prof. Mohammad A. Alia, Al-Zaytoonah University, Jordan,

Tel:  9622-4291511, e-mail: dr.m.alia@zuj.edu.jo



Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information about my work.

Tel: +962-6-4291511
Fax: +962-6-4291432

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