Electronic Student Attendance Recording System

ABSTRACT: Bluetooth technology is offering a very robust way to transfer data in faster rates within a short range wireless communication local network. Wireless and radio communication technologies are giving organizations and users many benefits such as portability and flexibility, increased productivity, and lower the installation costs. Register the attendance and absence for students in the classroom of all educational institutions is one of the most intensive daily operations. In this paper, we are interesting to use the free wireless communication via Bluetooth technology that is available in most mobile phones and computer systems to build a computerized wireless clients-server network system. The client side will be a mobile phone that used to fill the list of attendance and absence for students in a classroom of educational institutions in an easy and fast way. Server side will contain the centralized database and monitoring attendance system for the distributing clients connected to the system. The idea of this system is developed and implemented on real educational institution. The recorded results show that the system saves a costs and efforts and helps the educational institution to get a more effective system than the old one.

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