A Novel Approach To Enhance a University Information System

World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT


Abstract— A new approach is presented for helping a student to go ahead in his\her progress to reach its final aim “Obtaining a Bachelor Degree”. This approach based on an algorithm that enforces and enables a student to follow the curriculum (Advising Plan) when he\she wants to register subjects for a next semester. The proposed algorithm relies upon many factors, such as specifying the subject(s) level, distribution subjects on time table for five days a week, and others. The proposed algorithm will enhance the efficiency of the timetable for both students and administration. It gives a student space for choosing the subjects which in turn enforces a student to go ahead with respect to his study plan that will affect his success in reaching a final goal. For administration it is a good idea to make a student commits his self to respect his suggested curriculum.

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