Mohammad Abusini

جامعة الزيتونة الأردنية



  • Abu-Qatouseh, L., Abu-Sini, M., Amal Mayyas, A., Darwish, R., Aburjai, T., Qusai abdoh, Q., & Sabri, I. (2017). Molecular characterization and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Helicobacter pylori isolated from patients with Gastrodeudenal diseases in Jordan. The International Arabic Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents, 6(3). doi:10.3823/794.




Abu-Qatouseh, L.; Abu-Sini, M.; Mayyas, A.; Al-Hiari, Y.; Darwish, R.; Aburjai, T. Synthesis of New Nitrofluoroquinolone Derivatives with Novel Anti-Microbial Properties against Metronidazole Resistant H. pyloriMolecules 201722, 71.




Mohammad K. Abu Sini , Khaled H. Abu-Elteen , Ali Z. Elkarmi , Mawieh A. Hamad and Rula F. Khuzaie , 2007. Influence of Various Ultraviolet Light Intensities on Pathogenic Determinants of Candida albicansBiotechnology, 6: 210-217.




Al-Zaytoonah organizes a blood donation campaign

In collaboration with the Blood Bank, the Medical Center in the University organized a blood donation campaign in the campus.

The university regularly organizes blood donations campaigns in order to encourage the students towards community service and to promote the spirit of brotherhood among them.

Al-Zaytoonah organizes a blood donation campaign

In collaboration with the Blood Bank, the Medical Center in the University organized a blood donation campaign in the campus.

The university regularly organizes blood donations campaigns in order to encourage the students towards community service and to promote the spirit of brotherhood among them.

Al-Zaytoonah opens a clinic for psychological counseling

Under the patronage of the President of the university, Dr.Rushdi Hassan, the Faculty of Nursing opened a clinic foe Psychological counseling.
The dean of the faculty, Dr. Khalid Hassam, declared that the aim of establishing a psychological counseling clinic is to help the students to cope successfully with the challenges and stresses of everyday life to help them to reach their academic goals.

He also said that the clinic will be supervised by a professional and highly qualified professor, who has a long and rich experience in the field of psychological counseling.

Al-Zaytoonah opens a clinic for psychological counseling

Under the patronage of the President of the university, Dr.Rushdi Hassan, the Faculty of Nursing opened a clinic foe Psychological counseling.
The dean of the faculty, Dr. Khalid Hassam, declared that the aim of establishing a psychological counseling clinic is to help the students to cope successfully with the challenges and stresses of everyday life to help them to reach their academic goals.

He also said that the clinic will be supervised by a professional and highly qualified professor, who has a long and rich experience in the field of psychological counseling.


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