Faculty of Science and Information Technology


Prof. Ayesh Mnwir Alhroub 



   Dear students,

I am very delighted to welcome you to the Faculty of Science and Information Technology, which is one of the largest faculties situated at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, and one of which has been established since the University’s inception in 1993. In fact, this faculty has a prestigious position and reputation among its counterparts in providing the Jordanian society with qualified graduates who are made capable of meeting the needs of the labor market locally and regionally, in addition to their ability to occupy distinguished administrative positions. This comes by keeping up with what is new and needed and incorporating it into a continuous improvement in the study plans that are in line with the requirements of each phase. The faculty also aims to become an outstanding scientific edifice in science education, information technology, and scientific research locally and internationally.

The fourth industrial revolution, computing, and informatics are among the most important sciences for every nation that seeks to thrive in this era of the digital economy. The secret of the faculty`s strength lies on its programs, financial, material, and human resources. On this occasion, I am very pleased to work as a leader with a truly distinguished team of several distinguished faculty members and administrative bodies.
Furthermore, the faculty council and its students always seek to make this faculty and this scientific edifice a center of academic excellence within a global level. The Faculty of Science and Information Technology also offers six Bachelor’s programs which are comprised of: Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. On the other hand, the three master`s programs are comprised of: Computer Sciences, Software Engineering and Mathematics. Currently, a new program that is going through the planning phase at present includes the Masters of Data Science. These academic programs are vital programs for every nation that seeks to have a place in the digital economy and digital entrepreneurship of the current era. We are committed to graduating appropriately qualified students to enter the labor market and community service, and to pursue their higher education whether inside or outside the Kingdom.

In collaboration with the research teams, the faculty members conduct various scientific researches in the latest science, which plays an important role in serving the society and introduces our students to different technological innovations that reinforce the position of our newest disciplines. Since the world is moving towards the fourth industrial revolution with artificial intelligence and machine learning, Cybersecurity, data science, and autonomous systems, the faculty of science and information technology of Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan assures that it will become a leading faculty locally, regionally and internationally in the fields of education, scientific research, and development in all these vital disciplines. In fact, this revolution is expected to possess a significant impact on the economy and improve humans’ conditions and lives in ways that we cannot even imagine. Supporting students’ learning and researching are what both the faculty and the university are conducting.

The academic researchers in our faculty are interested in both scientific research and learning. Our educational and research laboratories are equipped with the latest equipment. Guiding, directing, and educating our students are the top priority in the university, and hence, students may rest assured that they have the right guidance, outstanding skills, and appropriate training. To sum up, we look forward to welcoming you into our faculty with prosperity and success.



For more information call us :

Tel: 6-4291511 Ext.335 – Fax: 6-4291432  –  P.O.Box: 130 Amman -11733 -Jordan