
This project is a recreational center with stormwater retention pond at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, which is located on Queen Alia Airport, Amman, Jordan. The project consists of a recreational center building and a stormwater collection system as well as a stormwater retention pond.  The recreation center is proposed to provide students with facility for entertainment and facilitate association between students. The design of the proposal center consists of the application of three technical areas of civil and infrastructure engineering as follows:

  1. Hydraulic engineering which consist of the design of stormwater network to collect rain water and decrease fresh water consumption and use the collected water for irrigation and other fields.
  2. Geotechnical engineering which consists of performing soil properties identification, slope stability analysis, and bearing capacity estimation.
  3. Structural engineering which consist of the design of recreation center to provide students with facility for entertainment and facilitate association between students.


Design constraints

Hydraulics engineering constraints
  1. The least slope of the network pipe is 0.5% and the maximum slope is 10%.
  2. Minimum cover 1.2 m and maximum cover equals 4.5m.
  3. Minimum velocity of water in pipe equals 1m/s and the maximum equals 3m/s.
  4. The least diameter pipe used in the stormwater network is 10 inches.
  5. All pipes are UPVC except pipes that have a diameter more than 30 inches are made of concrete.
  6. The retention pond capacity shall accommodate the runoff volume of 100-year storm event.
Geotechnical engineering
  1. The side slope should be no steeper that 1:1 and slope to be covered with riprap.
  2. The maximum hydraulic conductivity of soil to be used in the pond construction is 1×10-7.
  3. The retention pond capacity accommodate the volume of flow q= 2573.04 m3.
  4. All soil testing to be performed in accordance with ASTM procedures.
Structural design  The overall cost of the recreational center shall be less 200 JD per square meters of building Footprint. All components of structure shall meet the JBC requirementss.


JBC, ACI318-14M

Design drawing(s)