The Role of the Financial Department .

The Financial Department has a vital role . It Keeps financial data on a chronological basis to facilitate taking accurate administrative decisions .
Services offered by the  Financial Department .

The following are the major services offered by the Department :-

1) Following up expenses and revenues .

The department provides data about the items of expenses and aims of expenditure.

It also follows up money inflow as well as other data about revenues and compare them with the budget . Accurate data about expenditure and revenues gives important and necessary information about the efficiency with which management of departments are operated successfully to achieve the goals of the university.

2) Analyzing the expenditures

The Department analyzes the manner of expenditure and presents solutions and proposals for lowering costs which will benefit the university as a whole .

3) The University Budget .

The budget is estimated by following up the expenditure activities of other departments to see if they abided by minimizing the expenditure and rectify points of weakness on a temporal basis .

4) Salaries .

In cooperation with the  Human Resources Department  , the department follows up of all members of staff , annual increases , allowances , remunerations .

5) Student Accounting .

This unit deals with the financial matters of students , their balances , discounts , transfer from one major to another , checks graduate certificate financially ,and follows up the forwarding directions .

6) General And Payment Accounting .

This section provides and deals with the  general of all accounting transactions for the whole university , and follows up the liability of creditor and debit companies , audits transactions , records them and pays them according to the financial principles .

7)  Main Teller , Sub- Tellers .

The main teller collects all the money of the university revenues from the sub-tellers according to the principles of internal control .

8) Fixed Assets Accounting .

This section is responsible about recording the cost of newly-acquired fixed asset , tracking existing fixed assets , recording depreciation , and accounting for the disposition of fixed assets .

9) Warehouses Accounting .

This section is responsible about the financial approval for the purchase invoices which previously entered by warehouse staff in addition to supervise the output vouchers issued by warehouses staff .