AL-Zaytoonah Library subscribed to a number of databases for reference books and E-journals according to the instructions of Jordanian Private Universities Association.

& Electronic Information Sources

It contains e-Journals, thousands of papers in full text collected from 30 databases for all sciences. The user can search in all databases of EBSCO through the Al-Zaytoonah Library Lab or Al-Zaytoonah website
Subscription is renewed annually

Ebscohost Databases

It contains 310 scientific journals(Full Text),in the field of economics and administrative sciences, more than 279,000 scientific research articles in addition to more than 3,400 scientific books that can be increased periodically

Emerald Database

It contains e-periodicals (Full Text) in the field of pharmacy & chemistry

Science Finder

 It contains e-periodicals (Full Text) in for all sciences acadmic

Springer Link


A bibliographic database for researchers

Scopus Database



For Our subscription content (13,391) book title  from 2005 to 2008

( for only Books )


An electronic library of more than (120,000) books titles in different disciplines

( for only Books )

eBook Collection (EBSCO)