It contains e-Journals, thousands of papers in full text collected from 30 databases for all sciences. The user can search in all databases of EBSCO through the Al-Zaytoonah Library Lab or Al-Zaytoonah website
Ebscohost Databases |
It contains 310 scientific journals(Full Text),in the field of economics and administrative sciences, more than 279,000 scientific research articles in addition to more than 3,400 scientific books that can be increased periodically |
Emerald Database |
It contains e-periodicals (Full Text) in the field of pharmacy & chemistry |
Science Finder |
It contains e-periodicals (Full Text) in for all sciences acadmic |
Springer Link
A bibliographic database for researchers |
Scopus DatabaseScopus
For Our subscription content (13,391) book title from 2005 to 2008( for only Books ) |
Springer |
Qastas is a comprehensive, constantly updated content of legislation, judicial rulings, and international agreements for research and review from one platform to save you time and effort |
قسطاس |
The HumanIndex database is the leading Arab base at the Arab and regional levels and the main resource for researchers and scholars in the various fields of humanities, as it provides specialized intellectual production directly and once periodicals and conferences are issued. |
دار المنظومة |
Contains electronic periodicals specialized in pharmacy |
UpToDate |
An electronic library of more than (120,000) books titles in different disciplines( for only Books ) |
eBook Collection (EBSCO) |