The Council of Graduate Studies have the following powers and responsibilities: :

1. Recommend to the Council of Deans to create, freeze or cancel any of the graduate programs at the University.

2. Prepare the instructions draft for graduate affairs.

3. Prepare the required forms for graduate studies.

4. Attribute to the Council of Deans in academic cases of graduate students.

5. Recommend to the University Study Plan Committee the new or amended study plans.

6. Verify the conditions required for graduate students graduation and attribute to the Council of Deans to graduate.

7. Follow-up evaluation of the teaching process in graduate studies and submit the results of periodic reports to the President of the University.

8. Attribute to the Council of Deans to amend the instructions for graduate studies.

9. Attribute to the Council of Deans the number of students who will be annually admitted.

10. Prepare the annual budget draft of the Deanship.

11. Consider matters referred to the council by the Dean or the President of the University.

12. Accreditation of theses plans submitted by graduate students at the University Faculties.

13. Accreditation of supervisors on theses.

14. Accreditation of the formed thesis examination committees and the dates of thesis discussion.

15. Attribute to the Council of Deans to grant the scientific degree.

16. Accreditation of the formed comprehensive exam committees and their results.